Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Pristine and Yixin!!!Today could probably be the happiest day I've had in a few weeks. Just to show that, I shall type smileys!:D :) :] :P :d ;D ;) ;] ;P ;d =D =) =] =P =d and so on...Anyway, I still feel quite bad that we're postponing the outing cos I heard some people wanted to go for FunJam and in the end i was the only one who went :(But still, our postponing the outing may mean more time, cos i don't think we'll be going next sunday, having yet to confirm the venue, which means we may be going during the holidays! And, if we go during the holidays, we'll have more time on our hands as we can go in the morning! Gosh why am i suddenly speaking in perfect English?plus, it'll be cheaper if we go to the movies on a weekday!Had lunch @ secret secret place with...lots of people. Yay! first time Samantha came to lunch with us :) I feel very proud of myself. I finished one big plate of fried rice all by myself! haha if you've seen one plate of that you'd say it's an accomplishment too :) Haha there were lots of people there, much much more than when i went two years ago. Two years ago, it was held at the summit, and i was the only keyboardist. but today there were 5 keyboardists! Sis Mad and Theodore 'Teddy' took us :) I think Teddy's really nice :) Haha and quite happy that through this someone finally started talking to me again. Seriously am I THAT annoying? I don't think I'm made for the stage. Like, when we started jamming, I totally froze up, just like the other time. Singing was quite okay, though i suddenly realised how cold I was and started chattering, which was a little of an impediment to my singing in tune. Sigh, looks like i need to work on my impromptu-ness at keys.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Woohoo! Midyears are OFFICIALLY. OVER. Went to Century Square with Nic and watched X-Men Origins Wolverine. It was really really good and Dominic Monaghan, the actor for Merry in LOTR, acted as some electric-controlling guy who died quite early :( But I'll say Nic's $6 + $8.50 was worth it: 1) The popcorn was AWESOME!!! and 2) OHMYGOSH GAMBIT ROCKS MY WORLD. ohmygoshgambitremyetiennelebeautaylorkitschgambitremyetiennelebeautaylorkitschohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh he'ssocool.
How do we know God exists? How, when we can't see Him? Centuries ago people thought the Earth was flat, but did that mean it really was flat? Did the Earth turn from flat to spherical the moment the idea was introduced and accepted? No, the Earth had always been spherical; it was just a matter of time before the people found out the truth. In the same way, it's only a matter of time before we find out the truth, about whether God really exists, and if so, which God is real. But before we do, we have to believe in something, serve something or someone, be it God, yourself, money, worldly pleasures, acedemic achievements, etc. So I choose to believe in a God. What do YOU believe in?
Went for King Rachel's drama concert Timepieces :D It was really cool and the 10-minute plays were really really funny. I liked the first play, The Kill, the second, which Zen acted and Rach voice-acted in, On The Frontline, and the last play, French For Loveletter. I also picked up an action that would cause me to earn the reputation for being dramatic the next day--dramatic faint. haha i got super high afterward lol. reached home abt 2246.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still crazy about GAMBIT. I was doing that fainting thing all day. haha quite fun, really. gambitgambitgambitremylebeauremylebeauremylebeautaylorkitschtaylorkitschtaylorkitsch ohh *dramatic faint*
had lunch at a new secret secret place we just discovered with Gloria, Rachel, Charis, Gerald, Andrew, Alvin and this saturday guy who just transferred to sunday called Charles. They tricked me and said his name was Charles Dickens (Gloria, Rachel, Charis) and Charles Xavier (Alvin)! lol he's quite a nice guy and he's studying cooking or sth like that! how cool is that!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
It seems that I really am deviant.
It's the times where I'm really really busy that my creative juices actually flow.
It's the times when I really don't have the time that i get my ideas.
wierd huh.
i agree.
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I think I have been influenced by Lemony Snicket.
I know, I know what you're thinking! Right now you're probably not thinking "At your age and still reading Series of Unfortunate Events?!", neither are you considering picking up one of his books too, nor are you snoring away, floccinaucinihilipilificating the beauty of his abstruse way of writing.
No, you are thinking, "Who is Lemony Snicket?" In that case, you should pick up one of his books, a volume--any volume of [I've already mentioned] A Series of Unfortunate Events and peruse the droll description of Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaires' harrowing--a word here which means causing them much fear and trauma-- and unpredictable journey and the only character consistent in appearing in every volume is the ignoble--a word here which means dishonourable in character or purpose, which is to get his hands on the Baudelaire fortune--Count Olaf. Indeed, Olaf is a funny name, but funny has a few meanings, and one of which is laugh inducing, which certainly is not in the eyes of the Baudelairs. A more suitable definition of funny in this context would be unique, and therefore recognizable at the first syllable, and therefore fear-inducing instead of laugh-inducing to the Baudelaires, because the more volumes you read, the more treacherous schemes--a phrase here which means trying to get Violet to marry him, hyptonizing Klaus and poisoning Sunny--you read of and the more odious he is to you. And somewhere after the 5th volume you would learn of a faction--which means an organization divided in half and fighting each other--or better known in the Series as "schism".
The Baudelaire Orphans overcome adversity after adversity--a word here which means one of Count Olaf's schemes--without any help whatsoever from the adults because on one fully understood the danger COUNT OLAF posed to the Baudelaires, with the help of Violet's inventive brain, which she stimulates by tying up her long hair with a ribbon to keep it out of her eyes, and Klaus's vast knowledge, or erudition, as I call it, often associated with his polishing his glasses, and not to mention Sunny, who, though young, already has her built-in weapons--razor-sharp teeth, sharpened by grating them together. No one in charge of them, for that matter. Albeit their perpetual loneliness, they do meet some loyal and trustworthy friends, like the Quagmire Triplets, for example, who are also orphans, or Kit Snicket, a pregnant woman who is most likely the author's sister.
But alas! Their breif introduction has to come to an abrupt end as I start to wonder why I am promoting these depressing books.
My valedictions,
(who is not involved in the story)